Many Liverpool supporters have a pretty impressive looking résumé when it comes to travel. Over the years, our Mighty Reds have taken us on adventures across Europe and even further afield.
You would have to go a very long way indeed, though, to find a supporter who has more stamps in his passport than fanatical Red Steve Lumley. He has visited no fewer than 44 different countries and principalities in his travels with Liverpool, following them all over the world on pre-season tours as well as the backwaters of Eastern Europe, in addition to the usual footballing superpowers to which Kopites travel in their thousands.
These incredible odysseys are the inspiration for this banner, which has a distinctly and deliberately military flavour – representing the “battle honours” racked up by Steve over the years.
The centrepiece of the banner is inspired by the famous pinstripe scarves of the 1970s, expressing pride in our club’s worldwide fame.
The bottom of the banner recalls the greatest victories of all – 5 cities where the European Cup was won, with Rome front and centre due to the twin triumphs of 1977 and 1984. Finally, Doha is picked out in a different colour as the city where the Club won its first Club World Cup.

Had the pleasure of handing this one over in person. Always great to see the reaction!

George McCoubrie